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N'tireBHC (Beauty & Health Centre) started in early 2010, now being six year since it began, it has established a customer base that has seen very positive results with the service that is provided by our therapist. The question that is often asked is, what set's our beauty and health centre apart from all the other competitors? 
The answer lies within the range of services we provide; we use various techniques and revolutionary beauty technology, such as that of acupressure or finger pressing massage, to clear away the toxins and blockages within the body which then promotes freeflow of for the blood in the system and allows for treatments to have a longer lasting effect because there is no obstruction . Using this method means that your visits are worthwhile, your lustrous vibrant hydrated appearance will last for longer simply because you have cleared the toxins within your body and reduced the "blockages" which will allow your system to flow freely and therefore your bodily functions to go about their normal routine. 
We also provide treatment's that you may be more familiar with such as up to 9 different facial treatments and a variety of 5 different unique men's therapies with the use of Dermalogica, an Internationally renowned beauty products range to help assist in giving you the results you want.

Book an appointment now online or over the phone and come in and see for yourself what everyone is talking about!

Thanks for coming by, have a browse, We hope to see you soon ! 


John C

Beauty&Health Centre

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